The TemplateToaster is a two-in-one software tool, used for web designing and development, both. I came across this software a year back while browsing the web for latest web development tools. I felt this software impressive at a first glance, so after having it free trial, bought the activation key. Recently, I have upgraded my old version 4 to the version 5.

Automatic code generation for common elements and a little more
The TemplateToaster is a very different software from the Dreamweaver. It is completely based on the GUI (Graphical User Interface), except the style-and-script editors. This tool actually falls in the category of code generating, I know several people belonging to the website development, who criticize such software for the low quality of the code, but I don’t agree with them all the time, because it is not true in the case of the TemplateToaster. You may check its output for ensuring about semantics.
I don’t have to manually put the media queries for making templates ready for all display devices
Because this is a responsive software tool, I don’t need to write media queries manually. They are automatically generated. Further, if I ever need to add any condition, I do it easily because the code files can be opened up and edited any time. Yeah, one more thing I must let you know that once a template exported and installed on the content management system, it can be reopened for editing again in the user interface.
It can be a good partner of a front-end designer
Of course, it is much easier to use than the Dreamweaver for designers. Because, they just have to pick the options to make their designs, at the back-end, the code automatically gets generated. Therefore, I say that this tool is very much helpful for them. Apart from this, they get the technically robust code generated for their designs without actually having to write code.
It provides lighter environment for development
If you also have used adobe Dreamweaver, you must know that it is a heavy weight program. The TemplateToaster is a light weight program (139 KB), and requires .NetFramework4 plus windows operating to run properly.
It has the style and script editors with code hinting
It has inbuilt code editors with code hinting feature. They are given for adding external styles and scripts to the templates apart from its own styles. That is why, I say that it is not like other ordinary code generating tools, which are meant for the ignorant people follow DIY (do it yourself) way.
The utmost favor it does- saves a lot of time
I like to use this software for reason being time-saver. The code files automatically gets generated in seconds that otherwise have to be written by hands. And, the benefit of knowing coding is that, I can inspect the code myself and can edit as well. When I feel like, I should add more styles to the design, I do with the editors.
In the end
I don’t say that the Dreamweaver is not good, but I say that the TemplateToaster is far helpful to me. I feel that despite criticism, such tools as TemplateToaster are going to prevail in the near future. May be, we will see that, website development is being done by everyone, like all do with MS-Office.
looks awesome might be handy to use and all but it doesn't run on a Mac.